
Home School Prayers


Our father in Heaven
hallowed be your name
your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against
us and lead us not into

- Amen


This world you have made is a beautiful place, It tells the power of your love, we rejoice is the beauty of your world, from the seas to the heavens above

The morning whispers of purity The evening of your place The thunder booms your exuberance In the awesome power you release.

The tenderness of a new born child The gentleness of the rain. Simplicity in a single cell. and complexity in a brain.

Yours truly, stillness rests in a silent pool. In infinity drifts in space. Your grandeur saddles the mountain tops. And we see your face in each face.


In his time, in his time He makes all things beautiful in his time. Lord, please show me every day As You’re teaching me your way That you do Just what you say in your time.

In his time in your time you make is things beautiful in your time Lord my life to you I bring With its winter and its spring may I Fathom way thing in your time

There’s time, there’s a time Both for sowing and for reaping there’s a time Time for losing, time for gain Time for joy and time for pain Every purpose under heaven has a time

There are times, there are days weeks and months we can not understand gods ways. if for years we fail to Scan we’ll remember that he can, all the time


Watch your thoughts,
they become words.
Watch your words,
they become actions.
Watch your actions,
they become habits.
Watch your habits,
they become Character.
Watch your Character,
it becomes your destiny.


We offer Thee, God,
Our studies and skills.
Enlighten our minds,
That we may know Thee and Thine.
Move our hearts,
That we may love thee and each other.


Dear God/we are going home. We thank you for your gifts. We promise you/ to be dutiful at home/as we wereat school. Bless us, to be good/ clever/and obedient children. Providence of God watch over us.